The Course Equivalency Guide (CEG) shows how courses taken at one school transfer to another school. Typically, the "source" school is an Arizona community college and the "target" school is an Arizona university (ASU, NAU, or UA).
How do I use the CEG Quick Search?
- From the CEG home page, enter the prefix and number of the course. To see all courses for a subject, leave the course number blank.
- Choose the community college where the course is offered.
- Choose the university you want to transfer to, or choose "show all universities" to see how your course transfers to all three universities.
What do the icons in the CEG mean?
The various icons in the CEG designate different types of courses.
How will my course transfer?
Direct equivalent. The source course is accepted as substantially equivalent to the target school's course. The term "equivalent" does not mean that the source course is identical to the target course, but that the course is regarded as fulfilling the same requirement(s) as the target course. Courses accepted as direct equivalents by one department may be accepted as a departmental elective or elective by another department. Community college courses that are direct equivalents to university upper-division courses transfer as equivalent, but with lower-division credit. These courses will not need to be repeated, but will not count toward the required number of upper-division credits.
Departmental Elective Credit. Courses accepted as departmental elective credit (DEC) will not count as a specific course at a target school but may count as overall credits in your academic program. For example, a course listed as "ENG Departmental Elective" may be counted as elective credit in English. University programs may not allow, or may limit, the number of elective credits in the departmental area. Courses accepted as DEC by one department may be accepted as elective credit by other departments.
Elective Credit. Courses designated as elective credit (E) do not have a direct course equivalency at the target school and may not count within any particular department or major but may count as a general elective.
Non-Transferable. A non transferable course will not be accepted for credit at the target school.
Reading the CEG - Examples
One-to-one equivalencies. This is a source course with direct course equivalencies at each university.
Changing equivalencies. This happens when a source course is modified, resulting in a change of equivalency.
End-dated equivalencies. These are courses being deleted or ended at the source school. In this example, it is indicated by the statement "valid through" and that there is no future equivalency.
Blank cells. In some cases there are blank cells because course evaluation may be pending.
Course title not available. This may appear because the source course is no longer taught but has not yet been deleted from the CEG, or the source course data may need to be updated by the source school.
What limitations should I know about?
Generally, the following types of courses are not intended for transfer and may not appear in the CEG. Please see an advisor for specific information.
- Remedial / Developmental courses or courses numbered below 100
- Arizona Government University courses
- Cooperative education
- Experimental courses
- Post-baccalaureate courses
- Contractual training for business, industry, and government